"Land of Wonder" is a digital mural created for the Walmart in Mashall, Missouri. It was created in Adobe Photoshop in July 2024 and was printed on adhesive vinyl and installed at the Marshall, MO Walmart. The mural was commissioned by Walmart through NOW Art, a public art agency.
“Land of Wonder” attempts to illustrate both the historical and modern-day significance of Marshall. As the county seat, Marshall is home to the beautiful, red-brick, historic Saline County Courthouse, its clocktower overlooking the city and reminding everyone of Marshall’s long and storied history. A vivid spectrum of colors help highlight the local geography and agriculture, including the area’s integral corn and soy crops, as well as Marshall’s connection to the sky and aviation. At the forefront stands the bronze memorial for Jim the Wonder Dog, representing his legacy as, perhaps, the best boy ever, and by the courthouse, we glimpse through time to see Jim as he once lived, endowed with great and mysterious power.    

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